Parterning Sustainability
Our Services

- High Salt recovery Membranes
- Intake and Outfall Piping
- Bore Holes for Sea Water
- Direct Sea Water to Desal Plant
- Solar Driven RO Plants

- CCRO Technology from Dupont

Ultra Pure Water
- Ultra Pure Water Equipment’s
- Water Softening Plants

Marine Works
- Diving Work Videography
- Intake well Installation

Pumping Stations
- Pumping Station for Water Transmission
- Odor Control Units

Water Treatment
- Efficient System of MBBR
- Power Saving and Smooth run to achieve Parameters
- Collaborate with Aquana Netherland and Arges Turkey and ( Self Building Capabilities )

Intake and Outfall
- Turkey work of Inlet Piping and Outlet Piping with Diffusers

- Reverse Osmosis Process Chemical
- Disinfectants
- Various Hygienic Chemicals

Zero Liquid Discharge ( ZLD )
- Evaporators
- UF & RO System